Embed Yahoo Messenger in web page

ymsgr: Commands

How to use Yahoo Messenger functions from web page?

Commands list

1)  ymsgr:sendIM?[YOURID] — for send IM

2) ymsgr:sendIM?[YOURID]&m=[your+message] — for send IM with message

3) ymsgr:chat?[ROOMNAME] — for join in chat room

4) ymsgr:addfriend?[YOURID] — for adding your account by your buddy

5) ymsgr:sendfile?[YOURID] — for send file

6) ymsgr:call?[YOURID] — for call

7) ymsgr:callPhone?[YOURID] — for call to phone

8 ) ymsgr:chat <“opens chat room list”

9) ymsgr:im <Opens “send an im window”

10) ymsgr:getimv?doodle

11) ymsgr:getimv?yfighter

Thanks to yahoo!!

How to use this commands in Web page?

See this example, it is very easy to use those!

<a href=”ymsgr:sendIM?youraccount_yahoo”>Send IM to youraccount yahoo</a>

Usefull Links: Must log into Yahoo Messenger to work. Use cool Yahoo status API to looks good http://shareourideas.wordpress.com/2010/03/25/yahoo-messenger-status-api/


Naga Harish.