ASP.NET 4.0 gives importance to SEO too

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO), it is used for get more traffic to our site. I am not going tell in detail about SEO. you can use google or bing to know more about SEO.

ASP .NET 4.o gives importance to SEO

ASP.NET 4.0 includes  new  features, those help to optimize our site for SEO.   new features are:

  1. Page.MetaKeywords and Page.MetaDescription properties
  2. URL Routing support for ASP.NET Web Forms
  3. Response.RedirectPermanent() method used for 301 redirection.

Please check details with below


Use MetaKeywords method we can add keywords at runtime. it is easy then old process. Please check with below line, how we can add keys at run time..

Page.MetaKeywords = “keyword1,keyword2,keyword3…”;

like this we can add keywords at runtime. it is really easy then old one right?

By use this property we can change the keywords according to users request. if we placed this code in master page load method, it will be easy to manage for all requests.


Use this MetaDescription we can add meta description at runtime same like MetaKeywords property.

I hope everyone know about Page.Title property, using this we can add title for page at runtime.

URL Routing:-

URL routing is used in ASP.NET MVC, using this routing can create User and SEo friendly URLs. For example in ASP.NET MVC the URL format is like this


see this example :- for edit values for add new values.

Now this is ASP.NET WEB FORMS too. we can take advantage of that.

Please check more details about Routing with below links (video available)

Response.RedirectPermanent() :-

RedirectPermanent(), this method is used for redirect the old URL to new URL. It is idea add to use this redirect for new URL, so we will never lose the old page rank, that will automatically comes to this new page.
Response.RedirectToRoute(“newlyadded”, new { category = “new” }); // temporary redirect (Code 302) to a named route
Response.RedirectToRoutePermanent(“newlyadded”, new { category = “new” } ); // permanent redirect (Code 301) to a named route.

I hope this post is useful for you, if you have any ideas better the this please share with me.

Enjoy while coding..!


Naga Harish Movva.

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