Whats new in New Blackberry 10

Today (Jan 30, 2013) Black berry RIM officially announced BB 10 with full touch screen(Z10) and with keyboard (Q10) devices. This are really cool devices. There few key features which I listed below: 1) Super camera : Fine shot, we can take a photo and use time shift and select the best shot/face. Same as my Lumia Smart shoot lens. 2) Apps : BB 10 market place has 70,000 touch apps already and every week 1,000 more apps coming, according to RIM. 3) Top Apps : Skype, Angry Birds, TW, FB ...

What we can expect in mobile technology & development 2013

Mobile usage is growing day by day. We use to call it a computer world, now I can say it is a smart phone world. Our day starts from the mobile phone alarm, reading news, check weather report, hearing songs, playing games, charting with friends, status updates in our social networks and finally end with setting alarm for the next day. So, your smartphone is like your personal assistant and best friend when your alone. So here is my opinion or predictions for 2013. The opinions expressed here ...

Native v/s Cross platform v/s HTML5

Here is plus or minus of Native and Cross platform and HTML5. In just few words native (Objective c, C#, Java) will give best performance. Cross platform will give better performance and one single code base and build for different platforms. HTML5, now the really game started. HTML 5 became more powerful now a days. And also it supports more platforms because it just need web browser in mobile. [slideshare id=15817577&doc=native-vs-cross-platform-vs-html5-130101092918-phpapp02]  ...