Nokia Lumia 920 got new Windows Phone 8 Update Today

Windows 8
Sunday 18th Aug, I got Windows Phone update in my Lumia 920 this morning. It takes little more time to download may be problem with my network also (downloaded via wifi). After download it took 5-10 mins to install latest OS. After six month I got big update and I am glad to have this update in my phone. For now I found below things are new in this update: Data Sense : It is tracing all your data usage. We can set the limit for month or day or number days. And also there is an option to ...

Microsoft improves Windows Phone Dev Center with new features

Windows 8
Microsoft lead program manager wrote a blog post about new update of Windows Phone development center with tag line "we’re listening" . They added few new features which are listed below. Very useful and long waiting.. 1) Canceling submissions 2) Rotating screenshots 3) Automatic screenshot resizing Canceling Submissions : Previously, after you click on Submit button of app submission in Dev Center, we couldn’t edit it again until it had finished processing. Even though we realized t...

How to share link or message from Windows Phone App

Windows 8
How to share a link or message from our Windows Phone app to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. Usually, you would implement oAuth to post status message to social media. Even though we have plugins, it is little hard to implement because it requires us to create app id in the social media developer websites and use those IDs to pass the application token and so on...Just for sharing  status message we have to do this much. When developing for a windows phone (of course we have same feature in iOS ...