How to open another HTML file by default – PhoneGap app In Windows Phone

About PhoneGap, I am just adding  few words :- We all now, PhoneGap in supporting For Windows Phone, almost there is full support for accessing native functionality. Just from the HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript files. This is really powerful framework, Using this framework web developers can build native mobile apps for iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone and other smartphone OS devices as well. It works How? :- PhoneGap is loading our HTML files in WEB view controller and access native functi...

What so special in Windows 8

We all know Microsoft  Windows OS is most popular in Computer world. And Microsoft is releasing every new version of Win OS with much more options/features. Currently they're planning to release new Version (Win 8) in upcoming year (2012 - first half). This version of windows coming with more features, those are:- 1) Tablet version 2) Metro UI with HTML, JavaScript and CSS 3) Tiles with up to date 4) Push notification 5) 3D fully glassy aero interface 6) Windows explorer with ribbon ht...

Jquery Contains with case-(in)sensitive

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In this post I am going to explain about jQuery Contains method with case insensitive. First small talk about jQuery, It one of the popular java script  library which is ready to use. The jQuery's tag line is "WRITE LESS, DO MORE." I feel  it is true, because we can get more functionality with less code lines. Just few days before, I worked with jQuery Selector using Contains. Contains is returns the elements which are the elements have that part of text. But, I faced a problem. For example ...