How to open another HTML file by default – PhoneGap app In Windows Phone

About PhoneGap, I am just adding  few words :- We all now, PhoneGap in supporting For Windows Phone, almost there is full support for accessing native functionality. Just from the HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript files. This is really powerful framework, Using this framework web developers can build native mobile apps for iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone and other smartphone OS devices as well. It works How? :- PhoneGap is loading our HTML files in WEB view controller and access native functi...

PhoneGap and Jquery Ajax Call (POST) in Windows Phone

I faced a Ajax call error  in Windows Phone with Phonegap. When I tried to send some day using Ajax in PhoneGap I got this error message always "No Transport". I always got same error message saying "No Transport". Then I started web search and found out a solution. Some of them saying Windows Phone IE9 browser won't support cross domain AJAX requests. (Ajax request is not working in Windows Phone and PhoneGap) Solution is :- we have to add this line before ajax call function $.support.cors =...

PhoneGap new version 1.4.0 now available

PhoneGap team just released next version 1.4.0.  They released with few features and enhancements. Small introduction about PhoneGap, it compiles HTML, Javascript and CSS files and produce build packages for Apple iOS, Andriod, webOS, Symbian, BlackBerry, Bada and Windows Phone. Code once and run any where . Almost, we can use 100% of code for other platform development. Recently they added "PhoneGap Build cloud service". There will be full support with this new version. And here is the list ...