Build cross platform apps using PhoneGap, Titanium and many more. Let see with SDK on by one.
PhoneGap :- It is Best solution for creating cross platform apps. Web developers can start creating native apps with out any training. Because we can develop apps using HTML5 and friends (JS and CSS3). It will load HTML pages, CSS and Javascripts file from resource folder to WebBrowser control.
Titanium :- Another Great solution for cross platform apps. Same like PhoneGap, here also we can using J...
Month: May 2012
Play Background music in Windows Phone app C# code
We want to play background sound in our Windows Phone app, we can play using this below objects.
1) MediaElement -- need to include phone.controls dll
2) SoundEffect - need to include XNA framework dlls
To Play Sound in background first we have to please audio file in our project. in my case I placed those audio file in Sounds folder. Then in Solution Explore right click on add audio file and go to Properties . In Build Action, set value to Content. Copy to Output Direct value to Copy if n...
Make Call using Phone Call Task in Windows Phone app (C# code)
We can make a call use tel protocol in Web browser with HTML code. Like this <a href="tel:012345">Make a call</a>. just we need to pass phone number tel:[phone number here]. Mostly all smartphones support this protocol. We can also have in differentiate format phone numbers. If smart phone OS won't support all the format.
In windows phone we can also make a call using Phone Call Task from C# code from our Windows Phone App. We can make a call when user tap a button or some other a...