Embed Yahoo Messenger in web page

ymsgr: Commands How to use Yahoo Messenger functions from web page? Commands list 1)  ymsgr:sendIM?[YOURID] -- for send IM 2) ymsgr:sendIM?[YOURID]&m=[your+message] -- for send IM with message 3) ymsgr:chat?[ROOMNAME] -- for join in chat room 4) ymsgr:addfriend?[YOURID] -- for adding your account by your buddy 5) ymsgr:sendfile?[YOURID] -- for send file 6) ymsgr:call?[YOURID] -- for call 7) ymsgr:callPhone?[YOURID] -- for call to phone 8 ) ymsgr:chat <"opens chat room list" 9) y...

Yahoo messenger status API

Yahoo messenger status API , Using this we can check the status of  the Yahoo user online/offline position. it will return Online and Offline status information with images too. Please check this below URLs. http://opi.yahoo.com/online?u=[your-Yahoo-ID]&m=g&t=0 http://opi.yahoo.com/online?u=[your-Yahoo-ID]&m=g&t=1 http://opi.yahoo.com/online?u=[your-Yahoo-ID]&m=g&t=2 http://opi.yahoo.com/online?u=[your-Yahoo-ID]&m=g&t=3 : : http://opi.yahoo.com/online?u=[...