Hi, Recently in Microsoft event they launched new Surface, Band, Lumia device and Hololens. But one more thing to tell more importantly is with Lumia 950XL and 950 device, they're going to launch one more gadget. That is Microsoft Display Dock which helps to convert Lumia Smartphone in to Smart Computer (The Lumia 950 (XL) can run a PC-like experience on an external monitor).
Connect your Lumia 950 or 950 XL to a Display Dock and do more with an external monitor, a keyboard, and a mouse. Office...
<p>I <3 Windows | Win XP and Win 7</p>
Skydrive added OCR for Camera roll images powered by Bing

Today Skydrive team officially announcing OCR (optical character recognition) feature in Skydrive. Hopeful it is smart move Skydrive time. But current it will automatically show the text for Camera roll images. When you take images in Windows Phone it will automatically uploaded to skydrive. After login to Skydrive and open that image you can see all text from the image in right hand side, look the below image.
"Most of us can think of a time that we took a picture of something that we re...
My First week with Windows 8 pro upgrade

This is purely my own experience with Windows 8. My overall experience is only one word it was Super. I upgrade my Windows 7 home premium OS new this Win 8 pro upgrade.
I download and run Upgrade Assistant http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-8/upgrade-to-windows-8 . Which read everything about my current os and system configuration. And list all (un)supported apps. In my system I got 99 apps supported in Windows 8 and 9 apps not supported. Anyway I cleaned everything and insta...