Google Maps V2 for Android using Appcelerator Titanium

Hello Everyone, Here comes my another post on Titanium for Android's Google Maps V2.  Google deprecates the V1 maps, if you already have a V1 MAP API key you still get a support using Ti.Map namespace on Titanium. Else you definitely need to use Google Maps V2. With this post you can able to see the Youtube video inorder to use the Maps V2 with titanium. Prerequisites Titanium SDK >= 3.0.2 Titanium's Open source Map Module Android device with Google play installed (you can't tes...

Appcelerator announced Titanium Studio and Mobile SDK 2.1.0

Appcelerator Titanium announced Titanium Studio 2.1.0 and also Titanium Mobile SDK 2.1.0. There are few awesome features in Titanium Studio 2.1.0. We can get this update by click on the bottom right corner on Ti Studio or go to help menu click on "Check for updates". [slideshow] Ti Studio features in 2.1.0 :- Now we can download old Titanium Mobile SDK version from Help menu just like update We can also download Modules from Help menu Add new platforms to existing projects Fixed a bug w...

PhoneGap new version 1.4.0 now available

PhoneGap team just released next version 1.4.0.  They released with few features and enhancements. Small introduction about PhoneGap, it compiles HTML, Javascript and CSS files and produce build packages for Apple iOS, Andriod, webOS, Symbian, BlackBerry, Bada and Windows Phone. Code once and run any where . Almost, we can use 100% of code for other platform development. Recently they added "PhoneGap Build cloud service". There will be full support with this new version. And here is the list ...