Hi everyone,
This post is regarding how we can replace Launch images with Storyboard or Xib file. I used Titanium SDK 4.0.0 GA version and Appcelerator Studio, build: And Tested in iOS 8.3 version iPhone 6 and iPhone 4s and iPad 2. And also in Appcelerator recent blog post says Launch screen Storyboard may come in next update with iOS 9 support (Please check with reference links below).
Get in to the topic. Follow below steps and it is easy to if you know Storyboard de...
Appcelerator Titanium
Google Maps V2 for Android using Appcelerator Titanium

Hello Everyone,
Here comes my another post on Titanium for Android's Google Maps V2. Google deprecates the V1 maps, if you already have a V1 MAP API key you still get a support using Ti.Map namespace on Titanium. Else you definitely need to use Google Maps V2. With this post you can able to see the Youtube video inorder to use the Maps V2 with titanium.
Titanium SDK >= 3.0.2
Titanium's Open source Map Module
Android device with Google play installed (you can't tes...