How to create a virtual folder (subweb) under root web site with out errors

This post is related to IIS server and ASP.NET. Before start steps to create. I want to talk about "sub web site under root web site". For example :- We created one web site using  own code/CMS. So, for some functionality  we planned to use some other CMS/ our custom code sites. So, we can create those sites under root web site. This we can get easily  by creating virtual directory under root web site. But the problem is, we will get some error when we run sub web site. Like ...


IIS RESET from CMD Command : iisreset [computername]  /[option] Computername: If local computer ignore it. Options: /RESTART Stop and then restart all Internet services. /START Start all Internet services. /STOP Stop all Internet services. /REBOOT Reboot the computer. /REBOOTONERROR Reboot the computer if an error occurs when starting, stopping, or restarting Internet services. /NOFORCE Do not forcefully terminate Internet services if attempting to stop them gracefully fails. /TIM...