Telligent YouTube video preview image

In this post I am going to explain how we can show the YouTube video preview image in Telligent media section. I think must of them know (Who are working with Community server) about how to add YouTube video in media. Please check with this URL for more details Now I am going explain how we can show the video preview image for YouTube videos This is very easy, we can do this by adding few line in your web page. In D...

Telligent supported video URLs

Community server is really cool. You know we can upload different video URLs in media section and we can also insert in Blog and Forums post and we can also add video in Media file description too. I hope must of the know about embed YouTube videos insert in Media and in posts. If we just put YouTube URL it will automatically comes with embedded code, when view that post page. When we insert the YouTube video it will insert this line in text area Code:- [View:

Telligent Tabbed Panes control in Client side access

Telligent community server system is really nice one. I like to work in that. In Now community server 5.5 they made little bit easy to create widgets and custom functions. While work in this CS, I used Telligents Tabbed panes to show better GUI in browser.  In this tabbed pane, in my functionality need to move from one tab to another tab when user click on hyperlink or button. So, I used firebug and   html view source to come over this.You can check the code below.  In community server 5.5 they'...