FEED Subscribe buttons
In this post I am going to explain about FEED subscribe buttons, some sites like Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL and more those sites we directly subscribe favorite site FEED URL. Some we can view all updates from those sites.
In this below example URLs please replace the text [URL] to your site RSS (FEED) URL.
Subscribe FEED to Google Reader / IGoogle :-
The URL format is http://fusion.google.com/add?feedurl=[URL]
Example :-
How to get elements with contains text with help of jQuery
Get the elements which contains specified text inside the element(inner html)
In this post I am going to explain about how to get elements which elements have specified text in that innerhtml. For example I have list of items with some contains. So, now we want to get the element which contains "jQuery".
Example here :-
Example html code :-
<ol id="list" type="digit">
<li>I love <b>jQuery</b>.</li>
<li>Java script is Basic</li>
<li>Now a days j...
Developer main role in SEO
In this post I am going to tell about Developer's role in SEO. We must follow some rules while creating site. So, it will be easy to make SEO optimization in future and it makes easy to get site ranking automatically.
My thanks to slideshare.net
Here is the PPT
[slideshare id=5222685&doc=developersroleinwebsiteseooptimization-100917070322-phpapp01]
Have look of my other Presentations http://www.slideshare.net/nagaharish_movva
Slides content :-
Developer’s Role in Web Site SEO Optim...