IP Address location

Free IP geolocation webservice This is a free for finding IP address geo location. The database is very accurate and contains the following items as out: Country (code/name) Region (code/name) City Zip Code Latitude Longitude Data is served in different formats, such as CSV, XML or JSON. Currently supported formats are:   CSV: http://freegeoip.appspot.com/csv/[ip-address] XML: http://freegeoip.appspot.com/xml/[ip-address] JSON: http://freegeoip.appspot.com/json/[ip-address] Requ...

MP3 Player in Web page

A revolutionary and easy to use music player that plays audio on your website in 3 steps. 1) Link to Audio E.g :- <a href="http://yoursite.com/song1.mp3">Song 1</a> <a href="Favorites/Sonng.mp3">Song 2</a>   2) Copy and paste this code into your page <script type="text/javascript" src="http://mediaplayer.yahoo.com/js"></script>   3) Use the player This play button will appear for each of your audio links: Press a play button. The Yahoo! Media Player will...