Base64 String to Image and Image to Base64 String

how we can convert an image into a base64 string and base64 string back to image In this post I am going show how we can convert Base64 string to Image and base64 string to image. it is very easy in using this below code we can do that. Base64 string E.g. :- iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAMgAAADICAYAAACtWK6eAAAEZ0lEQVR4nO3cPXLcNhgG4O8OaXIONz5IJl0OwzanSZdjJJVb+wr2eKJJ7FhKIWHEpXcZkgCWIPE8M1vIM+JivXihDz9kBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...