We can use search options in Google :-
In this post I want to share more search options in Google. Using this we can get absolute result then normal search. We can use Wildcards and few more options.
Please check with this below URLs:-
Option | Use of this option | Example URL |
OR | OR, we can search optional items at a time. In this example I am search for India and nagaharish. It will show the result with India or Naga Harish or both |
– | -, Search while excluding a word. For example, I am search for nagaharish excluding asp.net. |
+ | +, Force search to inclusion of a word. For example, I am search for nagaharish and most have iisreset. |
* | *, Wildcard operator to match any words between other specific words. |
define: | To get definitions of word |
For example search like this in Google, define:share
stocks: | The query terms are treated as stock ticker symbols for lookup |
For example search like this in Google, stocks:DVD
site: | Restrict the results to those websites in the given domain |
For example search like this in Google, site:shareourideas.wordpress.com
allintitle: | Search only the page titles |
For example search like this in Google, allintitle:google buzz format
intitle: | Prefix word to search in a webpage title, other words in any where in the page |
For example search like this in Google, intitle:mail sms alert Gtalk
allinurl: | Search only the page url |
For example search like this in Google, allinurl:orkut bookmark URL
inurl: | Prefix word to search in a webpage URL, other words in any where in the page |
For example search like this in Google, inurl:mail sms alert gtalk
cache: | Highlights the search-words within the cached document. And one more thing we can use this as backup for our site. for example if we made changes in page and if we want to know previous content we can use this. |
For example search like this in Google, cache:shareourideas.wordpress.com
link: | The prefix “link:” will list webpages that have links to the specified webpage. |
For example search like this in Google, link:shareourideas.wordpress.com
related: | It will list webpages that are “similar” to a specified web page. we can find uniqueness of the content. |
For example search like this in Google, related:http://twitter.com/nagaharishmovva
info: | To display some background information about one specified webpage. |
For example search like this in google info:http://shareourideas.wordpress.com/
filetype: | To search content with specified file type, we can use this option for search about any topic, if we want sane this in our system as PDF or DOC |
For example search like this in Google, asp.net filetype:pdf. in result we can see only PDF content pages.
Check this YouTube video for more
I hope this options is helpful for you too.
Enjoy while coding..!
Naga Harish Movva.