In this post I am going to tell about Developer’s role in SEO. We must follow some rules while creating site. So, it will be easy to make SEO optimization in future and it makes easy to get site ranking automatically.
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Slides content :-
Developer’s Role in Web Site SEO Optimization -Let’s create SEO friendly Web sites
- Small talk about SEO?
- S earch E ngine O ptimization.
- Why SEO? The goal is to get our site to appear at the top of search engine results under keywords.
- Major search engines are
- Google, Yahoo, Bing(msn), Ask and AOL
- Why it is showing few site links in first page?
- Because they followed SEO rules while creating web site pages.
- we must follow w3c stands in HTML markup and CSS.
- We need take advantage of some HTML tags
- Then next job is for SEO optimizer , we need to promote our site in search engines.
- Developer’s roles
- Page layout must be look nice.
Header Footer Content Sidebar
- Creating URLs
- @ ge.html
- -64- ge.html
- page.html
- – page.html ( – or _)
- We must follow rules while creating Page name
- Page Title
- We must create page title.
- Do not use special characters in title
- We can use “|”, “-“ and “_” if we want.
- One more thing we can we keyword in title.
- Code:-
- <head>
- <title>My page title – My site</a>
- </head>
- Meta Tags
- It is best to add meta tags in page header tag.
- Those tags are
- Keywords – SEO keywords for your site
- Description – The meta description often appears in Google search
- This tags used by SEOs.
- Code:-
- In master page:-
- <head runat=”server”>
- <asp:ContentPlaceHolder id=”head” runat=”server”>
- </asp:ContentPlaceHolder>
- </ head>
- In child page:-
- <asp:Content ID=”Content1″ ContentPlaceHolderID=”head” Runat=”Server”>
- <title>My page Title</title>
- <meta name=”keywords” content=”keyword1, keyword2…”/>
- <meta name=”description” content=”Here description about current page” />
- </asp:Content>
- In code behind:-
- HtmlMeta meta = new HtmlMeta();
- meta.Name = “keywords”;
- meta.Content =”keyword1, keyword2…”;
- this.Page.Header.Controls.Add(meta);
- Page.Title = “My page title”;
- ASP.NET 4.0 gives importance to SEO too
- Heading:-
- It is best to using H1 tag for page heading.
- avoid using div tag as page header.
- And also it is good to have only one H1 tag pre page.
- We can have H2-H6 tags.
- Importance of the First <P>
- First paragraph is the most important paragraph in page.
- search engine read the first paragraph and they assume that it’s a summary of the page/article.
- It is too Better have keywords in it.
- Highlight keywords in page
- It is nice idea to make bold of SEO keywords on page.
- We can use <b> or <strong> tags. Search engines will give priority to bolded tags
- Code:-
- <p>This is page content with SEO <b>keywords</b></p>
- Title for Links
- Use alt attribute in IMG
- The alt attribute should be used to describe an image.
- Because search engines cannot read images, it will read only text content.
- Code:-
- <img src=”company-logo.png” alt=”company name logo”/>
- SEO and User friendly URLs
- It is good, to use friendly URLs in our sites. Mostly developers need and like to create pages with query strings. But it is not better to have more than 2 parameters in the URL. If there are no parameters, it is good.
- For example:-
- http:// — Dynamic URL
- — Static URL/Friendly URL
- Avoid access with multiple URLs for same page
- Please avoid multiple URLs access for same page. If we browse the same page with different URLs, that will be came duplicate content in SEO eyes. So, do not use multiple URLs. Just follow only one URL in full site to link to that page.
- (or) default.aspx
- // please added slash (‘/’) at end
- Page weight
- Create page with less in weight to load in client side. SEO liking, less weight pages first. So do not go for more media content in page.
- No inline styles and Javascript
- Custom 404 Page Not Found
- When we browse a URL that does not exist in server. So, in response the web server sends back a 404 Response code.
- This tells browser that the requested resource does not exist in server.
- Code:- Broken link
- <customErrors mode=”On”>
- <error statusCode=”404″ redirect=”404-page.aspx” />
- </customErrors>
- 301 Redirect
- We must use 301 redirect for old page.
- 301 is help to get same raking of old page to new page
- Code:-
- Response.Status = “301 Moved Permanently”;
- Response.AddHeader(“Location”,”/redirect-demo.html”);
- Sitemap for SEO and viewer too
- About SEO Sitemap , this is one xml file that contents all links of our site. This will be submitted in search engines, done by search engine optimizers. Demo
- Web site sitemap for users
- No follow for external link
- Nofollow is <a> (hyperlink) tag’s attribute value used to instruct some search engines that should not influence the link target’s ranking in the search engine’s index.
- Code:-
- <a href=” ” rel=”nofollow” title=”out website – friend site”>this is my friend’s web site</a>
- Less use of Ajax and Media
- Ajax content will load dynamically, search engines will not cache those contents.
- Use less Media content like flash
- We can use in admin and logged user side.
- Create Feeds
- It is also best to have feed for our site. Feeds used to alert the users about site updates. Feeds are also use to boost our site hits. Developer can write code to update the site activates in feeds automatically.
- Code:-
- <link rel=”alternate” type=”application/rss+xml” title=”Web Site name – RSS Feed” href=”” /> for RSS
- <link rel=”alternate” type=”application/atom+xml” title=”Web Site name – ATOM Feed” href=””/> for ATOM
- More details please Make browser to know Web Site Feed
- Add social bookmarks
- This is one good way to make boost site hits. Just add most popular bookmarks links in the page.
- See Twitter bookmark URL formate
-[ Link-and-short-line-about-page
- Check this page for more bookmark URL formats
- I have code for this here, just try this
- http :// you can design in own way.
I hope it is helpful for you, this is my best of knowledge. So, if any mistakes is they’re please Let me know. Thanks for you support.
Naga Harish Movva.
Machi very thanks da.. very useful to me… keep on updating…