A nice share ppt webpart in Kentico CMS

A small and cool webpart for embedded slideshare Presentation, Documents and Videos in your Kentico CMS site. it is very easy. just copy the code from the slideshare and paste in this webpart. You can embedded ppt or doc or video just coping the embedded code or that object code. This webpart will take care of it. you can customize width and height. you can check with this video to know more about this webpart Video: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwvobdI6QvU] We can free download t...

Project Management in Kentico CMS 5.5 R2

Another cool feature in Kentico CMS 5.5 R2 version, Project Management Kentico CMS 5.5 R2 brings a new Document Management Package that includes: -          Project Management -          Document Libraries -          WebDAV (more about WebDAV support here) -          Workgroups Project Management is a tool that helps us manage projects and tasks. Each project consists of task that can have a deadline or not. Tasks can be private or public. Project Management monitors progress of all tasks and ...

Link Checker and Validation Module in Kentico CMS

Broken Link Checker and XHTML Validation Module in Kentico CMS is available now Wow!, another cool feature is now available in kentico cms. This is best module and important module too. The Link Checker and Validation Module provides a simple way to check a page for broken links and validate its compatibility with standards for accessibility, (X)HTML and mobile websites. It uses on-line services, so the page that you're checking must be published and publicly accessible. The tool integrates dir...