As the part of Microsoft windows 8 operating system, Microsoft set out to make it as easy as possible for everyone to upgrade to Windows 8. Starting at general availability, if you are using Operating system as Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 you will become licensed to download an upgrade to Windows 8 Pro for $39.99 in 131 markets. You can add Windows Media Center for free of cost through the “add features” option in Windows 8 Pro after your upgrade complete. Same like Mac Loin upgrade!...
<p>I <3 Windows | Win XP and Win 7</p>
Metro Studio for Windows Phone and Windows 8 app development
Metro Studio for developing metro style app (Windows Phone and Windows 8). This software comes with 600 icons. which we can use as XMAL or PNG image file.
We have options to set image size and apply padding for image. Even we can set border like application bar icons with circle borders and we can set color for that. We can fill icon with color.
We can also use search to get images what your looking for.
Please check with image below.
At this point it is free of cost. You just need to registe...
Access windows Tools through Run commands in windows system
There are many tools comes default in Windows. we can use those tools for doing some options. For example :- Calculator and Character Map (which will display all fonts with character), we can copy the character which we want and paste no need to know what key we need to press in keyboard.
Here is the few list of useful commands for Windows.
* First open Run window, Just press {Windows key} + {R key}. It will automatically open Run window, then start typing command and {Enter key} that's al...