In this post I want to show How we can send mail with reply to option in .NET. I means, for example we sent auto mail to site user using But That user need you support, then mail content. So he will try to use reply option for that mail. once he/she click on reply button, it will add To: text with here we can't see same id( Or sometimes we need to set job to look reply mail by another person that time we can use this option.
I hope some...
Email sent in
How to overwrite the email Sender (display) name in C#
Change Email Display Name :-
In this post i going to show how to overwrite the E-mail sender’s display name in C#.NET. We can follow the same thing in VB.NET too. Email display name, it is shows information about email to receiver, Email Subject when it came who sent this mail. That place we can overwrite exist name with our special name. For example I sent mail from ID “” to email ID “”. So, once we opened the mail we can see sent from myemail or else ...
Embed Image in E-Mail is Easy in C#
Embed Image in mail
How to add logo in mail? How to add an image object in mail with out having any static URL?
(for example <img src="" />)
Here best solution for this…!
C# Code :-
Import this Net.Mail and Net.Mime
using System.Net.Mail;
using System.Net.Mime;
//Then use this code in button click or your own function
string strMailContent = "Here is your mail content….";
string fromAddress = "your-email@[your...