Make browser to know Web Site Feed

RSS and ATOM Use check this video [Youtube=] To make browser to know your web site Feed your automatically. Follow this steps 1) Create RSS or ATOM for your web site. Follow the standard of RSS/ATOM while creating it. 2) Then add this line in <head>...</head> tag. For RSS: <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Web Site name - RSS Feed" href="" /> For ATOM: <link rel="alternate" type...

Is JavaScript validation is enough?

Is JavaScript validation is enough? Client-Side Script: Script run by the viewing web browser is called client-side script. Client side script example javascript, vbscript. JavaScript: JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language used to enable programmatic access to objects within both the client application and other applications. It is primarily used in the form of client-side JavaScript, implemented as an integrated component of the web browser, allowing the development of enhanced us...


IIS RESET from CMD Command : iisreset [computername]  /[option] Computername: If local computer ignore it. Options: /RESTART Stop and then restart all Internet services. /START Start all Internet services. /STOP Stop all Internet services. /REBOOT Reboot the computer. /REBOOTONERROR Reboot the computer if an error occurs when starting, stopping, or restarting Internet services. /NOFORCE Do not forcefully terminate Internet services if attempting to stop them gracefully fails. /TIM...