Google Maps V2 for Android using Appcelerator Titanium

Hello Everyone, Here comes my another post on Titanium for Android's Google Maps V2.  Google deprecates the V1 maps, if you already have a V1 MAP API key you still get a support using Ti.Map namespace on Titanium. Else you definitely need to use Google Maps V2. With this post you can able to see the Youtube video inorder to use the Maps V2 with titanium. Prerequisites Titanium SDK >= 3.0.2 Titanium's Open source Map Module Android device with Google play installed (you can't tes...

LinkedIn Connect for Appcelerator Titanium

Appcelerator Titanium
Recent Changes (all changes available in the same gist as another revision) Modified the LinkedIn connect for new share API Modified the Twitter connect part for new captcha verification, now user need to input the captcha in provided textbox he/she is seeing on screen Hello everyone, Recently I had a use-case to implement the Linkedin Connect with Appcelerator SDK, but unfortunately I'm unable to find the any plug-in or module to do that. I was already using one Titanium widget call...

How to search iOS apps in itunes (Linkmaker)

Today I came across the linkmaker on itunes. This helps us to search iOS apps on the itunes (which is not supported on itunes web by default). Not only the iOS apps here you can search all Music, Movies and all itunes specific stuffs. When your going to start new application build(development), It is always best idea to check with existing apps and it's features. We have to say thanks to Apple, they're providing full search @ linkmaker. Here is the URL Set...