Things to remember while code for file uploads in web app

This is just for beginners!, If we write code for file upload in web app we must follow few things, for example file size, type of file and best to restrict file types. Please check in detail with below points. File size:- We must check with file size. Otherwise some users may full you hard disk by uploading big size files. So, it is best to restrict the size of file. one example:- If in you web site your given option for upload profile image. So, user can upload (JPG,PNG, GIF ..) file for hi...

Application Bar Icons for Windows Phone 7

Application Bar Icons for Windows Phone 7 (no need to download) When I tried to download from Microsoft, the link is broken (here is the link . Anyway, no need to worry about it. These icons are installed local system as a part of the Windows Phone Developer Tools. We can find these icons on our computer after you have installed WP Dev Tools @ the following locations: 32-bit computers - C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindows Phonev7.0Icons 64-bit com...

How to set Windows Phone 7 Application Splash Screen

Windows Phone 7 Application Splash Screen, In this post I am going explain about custom splash screen in windows phone 7 (wp7). By default   when you run wp7 app it will take bit time to show the app form. in that bit time we can show our own custom splash screen. This is good Idea to have splash screen we can use for advertising. This is my first blog post about Windows phone 7. It is very easy to add custom splash screen, just few step we have to follow. No need to write code for this. Steps:-...