Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 out with list of new features and improvements. Now you can download the SP1 for Microsoft website.
Download VS 2010 SP1 from here
VS 2010 SP1 Published Date : 3rd March 2011
Tips on installing Visual Studio 2010 SP1
Here I just listed...
Adobe outs experimental Flash to HTML5 conversion tool, name Wallaby
Adobe outs experimental Flash-to-HTML5 conversion tool, calls it Wallaby
we could flip a big happy switch and convert all the web's Flash content into (functional) HTML5 code. It's a dream shared by many and, funnily enough, the company pushing to make it a reality is none other than Adobe itself, the owner and proprietor of Flash. Its Labs research team has just released an experimental new dev tool, dubbed Wallaby, that's targeted at taking Flash-encoded artwork and animations and turning ...
Custom Attributes naming in HTML 5
Now we can embed the custom data attributes on all HTML elements. These new custom data attributes consist of Attribute Name and Attribute Value.
And we have to name the custom attribute prefix with data-* (here * means we have to add some text or character).
For example we created some functionality to display Tool-tip using Jquery or JavaScript. The Tool tip text comes from tooltip custom attribute (html5 extra attributes).
before we used like this
<div tooltip="This for Tool - tip text"...