Last Saturday ( 16th-July-2012) I presented a PPT about Appcelerator Titanium at Techday7 event (Day of Titanium). It went very well (house full) and all Mobile developers, Web developers and also Titanium Developers of chennai are at one place that time. so many questions and discussions about next generation cross platform framework ( Ti ). Here is PPT
[slideshare id=14084246&doc=gettingstartedwithtitanium-120827101329-phpapp02]
In this above PPT we can see
* Titanium mobile architecture
* brief explanation about how Ti script files covert JS file to native objective code.
* Small intro about Titanium Studio
* Few interesting coding snippets (create Button, Windows and Label)
* Talked about Databse, Web services connection, Locale in you app, Applying styles with JSS.
* and here are the references URL (all links listed in this page)
Lets start coding in JavaScript for iOS and Andriod apps (BB in Beta support). May be we can see more other OSs (Windows Phone, Web OS, Bada and etc… ) in near future
Enjoy while coding..!