Today (Jan 30, 2013) Black berry RIM officially announced BB 10 with full touch screen(Z10) and with keyboard (Q10) devices. This are really cool devices. There few key features which I listed below:
1) Super camera : Fine shot, we can take a photo and use time shift and select the best shot/face. Same as my Lumia Smart shoot lens.
2) Apps : BB 10 market place has 70,000 touch apps already and every week 1,000 more apps coming, according to RIM.
3) Top Apps : Skype, Angry Birds, TW, FB and many more popular smart phone OS apps.
[slideshow post_id=”1630″ exclude=”1631″]
4) Keyboard (touch screen’s) : BB 10 keyboard will remembers you recently/often used words and display when you start typing that key.
5) BlackBerry Reminder : It is like one note, you can see in above screenshots
6) Story Maker : Software that lets users combine photos and video to create their own video. We can also apply filters.
7) Blackberry Hub : Stay in touch with a single swipe. All notifications in one place (Email, FB, TW updates and other apps)
8) BB 10 devices availability : price will vary based on carrier
Canada and the UAE in February
US in March
UK from tomorrow 31 Jan, 2013.
Lets see if blackberry will get third place after Android and iOS or if it will give the chance to Win phone to go up. According to market analysis, Windows Phone already has 3rd place in few countries. Which OS will finally win… time will tell….
So what do you think. Which one you suggest to buy BB/Nokia Lumia 920/ Galaxy S.X/iPhone 5.X .