Hello everyone, recently I upgrade my iPhone 4s to latest iOS 7 beta 6. And I had doubt can we run current iOS 6 apps in iOS 7 phone? How it will look, will it look like new UI/look (background with blue system icons)? And I had discussion to my friends (Ramki and Krish) about this. They told me to try to install current iOS 6 app in you latest iOS 7 phone and see. We think it will work as it is and same like iOS 6.
So, I tried with “Titanium kitchen sink”, I build this app with iOS SDK 6.1 and installed (.ipa) using iTunes. You can see the above screen shots. I am running the this app in iOS 7 but still it looks like as it is in iOS 6. So, we had little more time to develop iOS 7 specific app. Even I downloaded apps from app store which are already developed with iOS 6 SDK. Those apps also look like iOS 6 apps in iOS 7.
And also I have another tip for you, if you want to try same thing in iOS 7 simulator :